Maddipatla Foundation believes education is a fundamental right of every citizen

The American system of public education was created with two vitally important purposes, to prepare our youth for success in a career and equally importantly, to provide the knowledge and skills to be informed, engaged citizen.

Students from low-income communities often face big obstacles in attending, much less graduating from, college, but organizations nationwide are using innovative strategies to help students achieve their goals.

Some approaches, like espousing the power of high expectations and sending teams of students off to college together, may sound simple taken at face value. But the results of organizations are anything but ordinary

There is a clear and present problem with the way the current United States educational system currently works. There are many problems, not one individual problem that has hindered intelligent minds from realizing their full potential. Somewhere in the last decade the actions of the school district have stopped reflecting the actual goal that these institution were created for. School has become a joke; intelligent students are forced to play their instructors games in order to pass. It should not be so.

One critical problem with the current system is the focus. The goal of secondary school is to prepare college bound students for college on the intellectual level and to get other students ready to be place directly into the work force. Based on the school districts actions, most would think the goal of high school is to keep students busy. The normal school day is 6 hours. Teachers spend far too much time assigning busy work, work that requires no real thought, and teaches no real lesson. Most teachers will say that they do not assign busy work, well then what is this 2 page long worksheet that is being collected once class ends, although we are having a test in the near future. Shouldn’t my grade on this upcoming test convey enough to my teacher that I know the content? Yes, it should.

Vocational Education is a must in today world. Just public education is not enough to survive.

In the United States, vocational education varies from state to state. The majority of postsecondary technical and vocational training is provided by proprietary (privately owned) career schools. About 30 percent of all credentials in career training are provided by two-year community colleges, which also offer courses transferable to four-year universities; other programs are offered through military technical training government-operated adult education centers. Several states operate their own institutes of technology which are on an equal accreditation footing with other state universities.

How can you support Maddipatla Foundation?

There are many ways for us to support Maddipatla Foundation efforts. Few are:

  • Cash
  • Stock donations
  • Starting a Scholarship on your family members
  • Leave a Legacy
  • Consider volunteering time