Maddipatla Foundation began helping an organization “Soldiers In Sobriety” (SIS) who provide a sober free living environment for women ages 21 and older. Especially women with chemical dependency histories, who are making the transition from jail, institutions, or drug programs back into society.
SIS provides 24 hours surveillance, daily meals and comfortable living environment for women transitioning from jail and/or recovery programs
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“Together we can achieve the goals you thought could never be accomplished”
Maddipatla Foundation seeks out children who are doing odd jobs by discontinuing high school and provide them quality education in reading, writing, arithmetic, and respect. Respect for other and the environment as well as self-respect in a good manner
We help the children’s rehabilitation after schooling by providing some occupational skills, including Computer Fundamentals, MS Office, Computer Repair technician training.
Maddipatla Foundation programs are all driven by our simple, singular mission of “Every child must get Basic Education”
Our programs all originate from specific needs in education. We search for low cost solutions that rely on partnerships and our individual volunteer base. And when our programs are successful, such as the ones listed below, we scale them up and apply them elsewhere.
This is a school based program which caters to school going children from 11-18 age groups who need more attention
The Objective of this program is
To impact children’s basic learning levels using IT and
To give them relevant IT knowledge and skills
There are many ways for us to support Maddipatla Foundation efforts. Few are: