The Maddipatla Merit® Scholarship Program is an academic competition for recognition in Elementary/Middle/High School students who deserve most. The scholorship determination will be done by the repecitve principals and teacher for the school selected by the advisory committe of Maddipatla Foundation
To participate in the Maddipatla Merit® Scholarship Program, a student must:
Residence/School Enrollment Proof of NY/NJ/CT: For documentation required from scholarship candidates to verify their residency please contact us
All winners of Maddipatla Merit Scholarship® awards (MM Scholar® designees) are chosen based on their abilities, skills, and accomplishments–without regard to gender, race, ethnic origin, or religious preference. The awards will be distributed on the TLCA’s January Function.
Maddipatla Merit Scholarship (MMS) awards are of two types:
Maddipatla Merit Scholarship awards are supported by some independent sponsors and by Krishna Maddipatla Family’s own funds. Sponsor organizations include corporations and businesses, company foundations, professional associations, and individuals.