
Maddipatla Foundation believes education is a fundamental right for every Citizen.

Education is a basic right for all children around the world, yet in the developing world there are almost two billion children, most of which are not receiving a proper education, or any education at all. According to the Global Fund for Children one in five children, 120 to 125 million children, are not enrolled in school. Of those who do receive an education, mostly in the developing world, one in five will not make it past the fifth grade. The lack of education for much of the world’s children is of grave concern, and continues to impact not only the life of the children themselves, but the development and progress of entire nations. If a large majority of countrie’s children are not educated, the prospect for future business, political, religious and government leaders is marred for many generations.

As a world community we are fighting poverty, disease, war, child labor, child soldiers, human slavery, trafficking, and so much more, yet our biggest fight and the root of so many issues is a lack of education. Children and adults who are illiterate or uneducated are more susceptible for victimization and therefore decreased life expectancy.

The lack of education in the developing world means more than just another generation of illiterate children, who will enter into the same cycle as their parents. This is a generation of children who will continue into a life of poverty, with no real tools to fight the cycle that plagues their families and villages. Children do not go to school, or our pulled from school, for a number of reasons, however the largest is that children are used to assist the families and work. It must be clearly understood that while many children are forced to work in horrid child labor conditions, much of which is child slavery, many are working alongside their families in the fields or home

The problem with education in poorer countries is not only a lack of funding for education, but also a lack of infrastructure, so therefore while basic education may be mandatory in many countrie’s the quality of education is far from adequate. As the educational demands around the industrialized nations increase, the developing world is falling even farther behind. With the basic educational needs of children so often unmet, children are not being given a fighting chance at breaking the cycle of poverty, disease, abuse, war, and so much more. Education is more than an escape, it is a fundamental right. We must work together to ensure that all of the world’s children receive a basic education. However we must not stop with basic education. We must work to ensure that children have the opportunities to obtain all levels of education, and close the educational gap between the unindustrialized and industrialized countries. Children are our world’s most valuable resource, and therefore we must make substantial investments into developing this resource.

How can you support Maddipatla Foundation?

There are many ways for us to support Maddipatla Foundation efforts. Few are:

  • Cash
  • Stock donations
  • Starting a Scholarship on your family members
  • Leave a Legacy
  • Consider volunteering time